Take control over your data!

FME is the most popular data integration platform coming from different sources and systems. It allows for quick and easy connection and processing of the data available in hundreds of formats and standards. FME allows processing data in various ways with complete automatization of them.  


Easily connect the data between multiple applications and sources of data, creating a consistent and compatible pattern. 

Transform data using FME tool library to over 450 different formats and data sources, not only geospatial 

Check the correctness of Your data both in a geometric and attribute-based way. 

Replace manual scripts with fully automatic and repeating processes and thus save your time. 

Send data directely from databases and outside servers. Connect with them using special FME functions. 

FME Products

Fitting Your needs

About Globema

Who are we?


Globema is the official partner and Value Added Reseller of Safe Software in Central Eastern Europe. Our Specialists are certified with FME Certified Trainer and FME Certified Professional proving the highest competency and expertise in this field.  

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